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- MCGILL CCYR 3/4 S Cam Follower and Track Roller - Yoke Type
- Sintered Bronze Oil-
- 1-1/8 in

- MCGILL SDCF 2 1/2 Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- This product can not
- Uncoated

- MCGILL MCYR 5 S Cam Follower and Track Roller - Yoke Type
- Lubrication Fitting
- Round

- MCGILL FCF 4 Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- 18.258 mm
- Uncoated

- MCGILL CCFD 1 3/8 Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- 0.866 in
- 117 mm